Links To Fly Tying And Fishing Video


Fusing the Clouser and the Zonker formed a super seductive pattern that cut its chops on plus size Delaware River Smallmout

Sailboat Dun

I was not sure what to name this remarkably successful fly for quite a while. Eventually, I settled on theSailboat Dun. The video says the Rock’ Em Sock ‘Em Knock ‘Em Dun…….. but that name just had to go!!! Imiss my good buddy John Haag very much (John was a fishing and tying partner who named pretty much all ofmy flies!

Rusty Rat

One of my favorite patterns to tie and fish, Warren Duncan perfected the tying of this fly. I tried to remember his techniques on this classic.

Emerging Midge Hackle Stacker

Think of this as a Griffith’s Gnat minus the lower half of hackle.

Barr Emerger

An incredibly successful fly developed by John Barr of Colorado. I tweak a couple of his steps ….. in later years I would adjust the tail.

Tailing with Natural Materials

Part of a series of videos that teach techniques rather than patterns.

Tailing with Natural Materials

Part of a series of videos that teach techniques rather than patterns.

Woven Silverside

Demanding time and focus, woven streamers (which are best on George Grant’s woven nymphs) take a lot of time. Tying woven flies satisfies the soul of the serious fly tier with a unique creation …….. I should say a unique and productive creation.

Bomber Squid

My first fly ever published in Fly Tyer magazine and based on the famed salmon pattern, the Bomber, this fly also incorporates some Warren Duncan techniques (would he roll over in his grave knowing his teachings were being used to create Striped Bass flies???) A great introduction to tying with deer hair, this pattern is much more productive than you might expect.


John Haag called this pattern Bob’s Usual ‘Merger and created the acronym, BUM. Rick Whaley, a former guide for Fran Betters on the Ausable who moved to Greenwich on the Battenkill River, introduced me to snowshoe rabbit back in the 80s. I just trimmed Rick’s ideas down to suit and emerger rather than a dun.


Rick Whaley’s babyJ. There are times when snowshoe rabbit seems to produce when nothing else will.

Barr Emerger

See above for description. This is a second Barr video ….. that is a compliment to just how devastating this fly is!!! The only thing I have changed is the tail. Now I just use the tail of the nymph.

Briny Muddler

A super productive pattern in both brine and sweet water. The Briny Mud is completely inspired by the work of the legendary Bill Catherwood (with some supplementary techniques learned from Carl Bradley.)

Tabou Caddis

A truly phenomenal and easy to tie caddis pupa. With the exception of the thread and rib, the entire fly is tied from the feathers on one neck: Whiting Soft Hackle Chickabou Brahma Hen.

Parashuck Caddis

By far, the most consistent caddis dry I have ever fished. One of the rare patterns that is a great choice on a flat pool or a roaring rapid.

ParashuckMayfly (Short Version)

ParashuckMayfly (Long Version)